



2022-05-11 16:38:09 0




TFY500/900系列多功能低浓重质除渣器通过轴向冲洗水单独控制粗渣的浓缩,可有效的控制纤维流失。纤维流失少,需要的除渣器段数和个数相应减少。分离效率更高,运行浓度最高可达 2%,等静压机成型陶瓷锥体,外壁经数控车床加工,尺寸精度高,内表面非常光滑。粗渣中杂质含量高,纤维损失更小。通过对粗渣的稀释以及在所有各段连续排渣使得运行过程中不会出现堵塞现象。主要特点降低纤维损失,提高能力,减少了除渣器的段数及个数。客户亦可使用原有的除渣器;用新的轴向冲洗水装置升级原来的排渣部件,在改造期间检查并优化您的除渣器,而开运体育官方网站(中国)管理有限公司仅对您的系统进行必要的管道改造。底部轴向冲洗水的优化使之除渣器受原料变化的影响降低。


单支通过量: 450L/min

最大操作压力: 0.4MPa

最大操作温度: 70℃

进出浆压力差: 0.16MPa

最小良浆压力: 0.01MPa

进浆浓度: ≤ 2.0%

冲洗水流量: 20 60L/min



单支通过量: 900L/min

最大操作压力: 0.4MPa

最大操作温度: 70℃

进出浆压力差: 0.16MPa

最小良浆压力: 0.01MPa

进浆浓度: ≤ 2.0%

冲洗水流量: 20 60L/min



Product overview

TFY series multifunctional centricleaner can control the concentration of coarse slag by axial washing water, which can effectively control the loss of fiber. With less fiber loss, the required number of centricleaners and stages are correspondingly reduced. The separation efficiency is higher, and the operation concentration is up to 2%. The ceramic cone is formed by isostatic press, and the outer wall is processed by CNC lathe, the size accuracy is high, and the inner surface is very smooth. The impurity content in the coarse slag is high and the fiber loss is smaller. Through the dilution of the coarse slag and continuous slag removal in all sections, the blocking phenomenon will not occur during the operation. The main features are reducing fiber loss, improving capacity and reducing the number of stages and pieces of centricleaner. Customers can also use the original centricleaner with the new axial flushing water device to upgrade the original pulp purification system. After checking and optimizing your centricleaners, while we only carry out the necessary pipeline modification for your system. The optimization of bottom axial flushing water can significantly reduce the influence of raw material changing on centricleaners.


Main Technical Parameters of TFY-450

Flow Rate of Feeding Pulp for Single Bottle: 450L/min

Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure: 0.4MPa

Maximum Operating Temperature: 70 ℃

Pressure Difference between Pulp Inlet and Outlet :  0.16MPa

Minimum Pressure of Accepts: 0.01MPa

Concentration of Feeding Pulp: ≤ 2.0%

Flush Water Flow20 60L/min


Main Technical Parameters of TFY-900

Flow Rate of Feeding Pulp for Single Bottle: 900L/min

Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure: 0.4MPa

Maximum Operating Temperature: 70 ℃

Pressure Difference between Pulp Inlet and Outlet :  0.16MPa

Minimum Pressure of Accepts: 0.01MPa

Concentration of Feeding Pulp: ≤ 2.0%

Flush Water Flow20 60L/min



TFY-110 高效重质除渣器是一种高效而经济的小直径除渣器,该产品具有小的直径和延长的除渣器主体以及底部增加的冲洗水装置,能产生更高的净化效果,尤其在废纸脱墨中对油墨的去除能达到更好的效果。主要特点在进行多级精细净化时,TKS-110 型低浓除渣器可通过底部冲洗水装置控制废渣的浓度。可以有效的去除油墨以及细小尘埃。系统采用了最少量的分段及除渣器数量使整体外形更紧凑。减少了占地面积,以较低的投资提高了生产能力。平滑的内表面不会产生湍流(如振荡和漩涡),因此能在 2.0% 的最大浓度下保持最高的分离效率。减少系统动力消耗。


单支通过量: 110L/min

额定进出浆压差: 0.15MPa

工作浓度: ≤ 2.0%

冲洗水量: 7 15L/min


Product overview:

TFY-110 high efficiency high weight centricleaner is a kind of high efficiency and economic centricleaner with small diameter . The product has a small diameter and extended main body as well as a flushing water device added at the bottom, which can produce higher purification effect, especially in the deinking process. The main feature is that TFY-110 type low concentration centricleaner can control the concentration of rejects through bottom washing water device during multistage fine purification, which can effectively remove ink and tiny dust. The system adopts the least number of stages and centricleaners to make the overall shape more compact. It reduces the covered floor area and improves the production capacity with lower investment. The smooth inner surface does not produce turbulence (such as oscillation and vortex), so it can maintain the highest separation and purification efficiency at the maximum concentration of 2.0%, which can greatly reduce the system power consumption.

Main Technical Parameters of TFY-110

Throughput of One Single Bottle: 110L/min

Press Drop: 0.15MPa

Working Concentration: ≤ 2.0%

Flow Rate of Flushing Water: 7 15L/min




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